English summer camp - Crossroads Languages

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Are you thinking of sending your teen to an English summer camp this year, but can’t decide between living with a family or staying in a boarding school? 

Here’s a little information to help you choose. 

All our English summer camps are accredited by The British Council and will give your child a great experience. 

Live with a Host Family and travel to school everyday

Your child will live with a local family and travel to school everyday. The English for teens programmes include classroom lessons, and activities such as sports, drama, cultural events and visits. There are some evening activities, but students also get the opportunity to spend time with the family.

Host family – strong points:

  • Living with a family is often cheaper.
  • Your teenager will experience British culture.
  • He/she will take part in family life.
  • It provides more opportunity to use the English the students are seeing in class and help improve their English.

On the other side:

  • Your teen will have to travel between family and school, either on foot or by public transport. Students are usually in pairs to do this.
  • There is more freedom so your child needs to be responsible.
  • There are usually fewer organised activities, but the children spend more time with the English-speaking family.

Try an English summer camp based in a boarding school

When you choose a boarding school or residence, your child with be supervised 24 hours a day. He/she will live in the school in either a single or shared room, have their lessons and take part in activities in the school grounds. They will go out several times a week on excursions.

Boarding schools – strong points:

  • A boarding school English summer camp gives the students the opportunity to experience some of the most exclusive private schools in the UK.
  • The schools often have superb buildings, grounds and sports facilities.
  • Some activities are with professional coaches (horse-riding, tennis, rugby etc.).
  • The English summer camp is a full-time programme of lessons, activities and visits.
  • The school offers a safe, secure environment and 24 hour supervision.

On the other side:

  • Boarding schools are usually much more expensive.
  • Students have more opportunity to speak their own language with other children in the school.
  • There is no experience of British family life.

Choose an English summer camp.