Millfield School Summer Camps - Crossroads Languages

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Millfield School Summer Camps

3 English language holiday camps for young kids and teens

Choose one of the 3 exciting English summer camps run by our partner Millfield School. You can count on their 15 years’ experience running English language holiday courses to provide your children with a perfect balance of work and play for a great summer.

All students get at least 15 hours’ quality English tuition with:

  • afternoon options including extra English and exam classes, sports and a variety of academies with specialist coaching from experienced coaches
  • a full social programme to practise English and make friends with students from around the world including:
    – Cross Campus Events – all campuses take part in main events
    – Unforgettable Evenings – a new activity every night
    – Excursions – one full day and one half day excursion every week
    – Clubs – an opportunity to take part in new activities with friends
    – Rewards – fun competitions with prizes awarded each day.

All the Millfield summer programmes have the English Mentors programme. This has young UK students who work with the international learners to help them make friends give them more practice listening and speaking to English speakers.

The Mentors live in the schools and take part in all lessons, activities, excursions and social events.

The Millfield English summer holiday programmes include:

  • 15 hours English tuition per week
  • Highly motivated and qualified teachers suitable for this age group
  • A good choice of sports and recreational afternoon activities
  • Full social programme
  • Two excursions every week (one full day, one half day)
  • Course certificate and report
  • Option for students to attend an “Early bird week” on campus (English language tuition, culture and fun)
  • Trinity exam (optional extra)

There are also many academies with specialist activities (see each school):

Academy: Athletics,  Badminton, Basketball – for experienced players only, chess, computer programming, cooking, dance with expert tuition in a purpose-built studio, fashion design, fencing (no beginners), film, art with sketching and modelling, football for girls and boys at all levels.

There is also: golf for players with or without a handicap, hockey with expert coaching on water-based astro pitches, leaders of the future with global leadership and debating skills, mixed martial arts with expert tuition, musical theatre, horse riding for experienced riders, songwriting with music & vocal skills practice, rugby with RFU values taught in a fun & positive way.

Course prices

2019 Summer Prices

Please come back in October for 2020 prices. Or contact us at

2, 3, 4 and 6 week options available.
2 weeks: £2725

About this course

  • Language


  • For

    Learn English Teens

  • Location

    Millfield School English

Important facts

  • Duration


  • Minimum age

    From 7, but each school has its own age range.

  • Number of lessons (per week)

    15 hours plus

  • Level


  • Maximum class size


Ready to enrol?

Or do you need more information?

We will be happy to answer any question you have on the language courses in our partner schools.

If you’re ready to go ahead, then please complete the enrolment form.

You will have a response within 48 hours.

Enrol now